Events And Retreats For Those Who Have Lost Who They Truly Are

When life has forced you down a path you never thought you would be walking, it can feel like you'll never get back to the person you were before it all changed.

Whilst it's not possible to go back to how things were, it IS possible to find peace again and learn to navigate the new life that lies ahead of you.

Click below to join our mailing list and receive instant access to a free workshop; Finding Peace In The Chaos.

Your journey back to you starts here!

  • *Photograph credit to Abbie Asadi Photography

About Sing To Heal Ltd

Sing To Heal Ltd provides both online and in-person events, workshops and retreats for both Men and Women who are on a journey back to themselves.

Sing To Heal is a fusion of traditional Sound Healing principals with contemporary singing designed to help you de-stress, reduce anxiety and heal emotionally and spiritually.

Click the button below to learn more about Lilli and how Sing To Heal Ltd came to be...

*Photograph credit to Nicole Walker Photography

Start Your Sing To Heal Journey Here!

Coffee, Cake & Choir

This is a pop-up choir experience that runs every Tuesday morning at 9.30am from the Boston Tea Party coffee shop in Salisbury. Each week we learn a brand new song so it never matters if you have to miss a week. These sessions are for all ages and abilities. Some people even bring their dogs!

The Soul Connection Choir

Another pop-up choir experience but this one is firmly focused on the healing aspects of singing in a group. We work on a combination of contemporary pop songs alongside healing mantras and all with the shared intention of healing ourselves and the collective through the power of our voices. All abilities are welcome and this group is suitable for ages 16+.

The Sound Reiki Group Healing Experience

Come and experience the unique healing power of the voice through Sound Reiki Meditation. Based on the same principals as traditional Reiki, but using the voice to shift and heal energetically. Lie down, close your eyes, and let the healing vocal tones melt your stress away.

Private Singing and Healing Sessions

Choose from 1:1 and small group Singing Classes to private Sound Reiki Healing sessions designed to help you significantly reduce anxiety and stress through the power of the voice.~

What Are Our Customers Saying ?

Feedback from our delighted clientele.

I have had absolute stage fright of public singing for many years...I would manage it and do it when I needed to, but never enjoyed it, which was sad because I love it so much. But these last few months, that has gradually left me and today I found myself just smiling and belting it out!


Working with Lilli has created a doorway into a new level of transformation through her beautiful voice combined with the power of energy healing.


Wednesday nights singing with Evo and all the silly antics never fail to lift my mood. It's helped me to cope through some tragic times. My confidence has soared not only in singing but in so many other parts of my life too. I feel part of something truly special and inspiring.



What if I can't sing?

Honestly? If I had a pound for every time someone told me that they sounded like a bag of strangled cats when they sing, I'd be a Billionaire! Please believe me when I doesn't matter whether or not you think you can sing! Firstly, almost everyone I have ever met who believed they couldn't sing, was wrong. Perception is a powerful thing! Secondly, even if you're terrible, you can still reap the benefits of singing! Thirdly, if you're not ready to use your own voice, you can benefit from the sound healing I offer where you just lie back and let me sing to you. So there you have it! It doesn't matter one tiny bit! PS: The confidence you'll experience once you overcome those limiting beliefs will spill into every area of your life and you'll be amazed at what you can do then!

What is Sound Healing?

Sound Healing is defined as the use of music, tones and vibrations to balance and heal the body, mind and spirit. Lilli is a qualified Sound Reiki® Master Healer. Sound Reiki® is a multi-dimensional sound and light healing modality that identifies, clears and heals negative energy cord attachments and helps to promote a deeper sense of health and wellbeing.

What are the benefits?

Singing is now widely recognised as a powerful way to reduce anxiety and stress. But Sing To Heal takes it a step further by integrating the principals of traditional sound healing, which work to align the energetic body and alleviate the physical and mental effects of unprocessed emotions in the body. This, combined with the power of community, is what makes the Sing To Heal method a pioneering modality to help combat anxiety, stress and depression.

Meet The Owner And Founder, Lilli Badcock

"I help to reignite passion and joy in those who have experienced or are facing a traumatic change in their lives, through the power of singing and sound healing!"

Following an Anxiety diagnosis back in 2013, professional Singer Lilli was determined to find an alternative to the traditional therapy and medication that was being offered. Her journey lead her to discover energy and sound healing and resulted in her having her own spiritual awakening. But throughout it all, there was singing!

Lilli realised that singing had always been a source of comfort for her and she noticed that even in the depths of her anxiety, singing was what helped her to feel better. Then, after suffering the loss of a close friend in 2020, Lilli realised the power of music and singing on a much deeper level. Not only could she express how she was feeling through song, she began noticing messages in the songs that would get stuck in her head and she realised how powerfully music could transport her back to her happiest memories.

Now, as a qualified Sound Reiki Master and experienced Coach and Spiritual Guide, Lilli uses singing as the main tool to help others navigate their own mental health challenges, as well as guiding them through their own spiritual awakening.

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